Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System Operation & User’s Manual

  • PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System Printer
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Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System Manual Online:

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Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System User Manual
Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System User Guide
Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System Online Manual

Text of Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System User Guide:

  • 36 ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO A Adaptador de CA ..................................... 3 Adición líneas nuevas........................................ 9 tabulaciones....................................... 10 Alineación ............................................. 21 Almacenamiento.................................... 26 Anchura................................................. 17 B Borrado.

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 25 Esta función podrá utilizarse para imprimir muchas copias del mismo texto aumentando en cierto número en el texto después de haber impreso cada etiqueta. Para utilizar la función de numeración: 1 Presione f, w, h, o e para colocar el cursor debajo del número que desee aumentar. 2 Mantenga presionada c y presione O. En el visualizador aparecerá el mensaje “NUMBER UNTIL” con el ajuste actual. ☞ Para cancelar la función de Numeración en cualquier momento, mantenga presio- nada c y presione O (O simplemente presione * ). 3 Utilice estas teclas numéricas para escribir el último número a imprimir. ☞ El último número a imprimir también p

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 16 To delete a sequence of characters: 1 Press f, w, h or e to position the cursor below the character immediately to the right of the last character that you wish to delete. 2 Hold down * until all of the characters that you wish to delete are deleted. To quit a function without changing your text: ● Press * to return to your text. To answer “no”: ● Press *. With the Line Out function, you can easily remove an entire line of text. To delete a line of text: 1 Press f, w, h or e to position the cursor within the line of text that you wish to delete. 2 Hold down c and press 0 once. ☞ Each time 0 is pressed whi

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, iv CONTENTS Getting Started GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................1 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS ..................................................................................3 BATTERIES .........................................................................................................3 OPTIONAL AC ADAPTOR ................................................................................. 4 TAPE CASSETTE .............................................................

  • 29 EXAMPLE You can choose from nine different character styles to apply to your text. ☞ Characters printed using the smaller sizes may be difficult to read if certain style settings (e.g., I+SHAD) are selected. The following style settings are available: NORMAL, BOLD, OUTLINE, SHADOW, ITALIC, I+BOLD (italic & bold), I+OUTL (italic & outline), I+SHAD (italic &

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, INTRODUCCIÓN Gracias por adquirir el P-touch 1900/1910! El nuevo P-touch le permitirá diseñar y crear etiquetas y membretes para cualquier tipo de aplicación. Su versatilidad le permitirá crear etiquetas personales seleccionando distintos diseños de marcos y muchos tamaños y estilos de caracteres. Además, los cinco diferentes anchos de cinta (1/4 ″ (6 mm), 3/8 ″ (9 mm), 1/2 ″ (12 mm) y 3/4 ″ (18 mm) y la variedad de los colores de la cintas le hará posible

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 30 EXAMPLE REFERENCE REFERENCE To select the I+SHAD style setting: 1 While holding down c, press 4 once, and keep c held down. 2 While still holding down c, continue pressing 4 until I+SHAD is displayed. 3 Release c. Font Setting Style Setting NORMAL BOLD OUTLINE SHADOW ITALIC FONT 1 FONT 2 Font Setting Style Setting I+BOLD I+OUTL I+SHAD VERT FONT 1 FONT 2 NORMAL STYLE I+SHAD STYLE

  • P-TOUCH ACCESSORY ORDER FORM Dear Customer: This order form is provided for your convenience should your retailer not stock the item(s) needed. To order by mail, send this completed form along with proper payment to the address below OR credit card holders: call toll-free 1-888-879-3232, fax completed order form to 1-800-947-1445, or visit our web site at http://www

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 46 To recall the text from file number 1: 1 Hold down c and press 8. 2 Press 1. 3 Press r. To delete the text stored under file number 4: 1 Hold down c and press 9. 2 Press 4. 3 Press r. 4 Press r. RECALL [4]J. Smit RECALL [1]Bill Re 1: _ill Reyn B CLEAR [1]Bill Re CLEAR [4]J. Smit OK TO CLEAR? 1: _ill Reyn B

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 21 To type in a symbol: 1 Hold down c and press a. A row of symbols appears in the display. 2 Press h or e to display different rows of symbols and press f or w until the desired symbol appears enlarged within the frame in the middle of the display. 3 Press r. The symbol is added to the text. ☞ To type in a series of symbols, hold down c before pressing r. Then, con- tinue adding symbols by selecting them as explained in steps 2 and 3 , and hold- ing down c while pressing r. Press just r after selecting the last symbol in the series. EXAMPLE Group Symbol 1 ÜÆæ Ã ã e˜Õõ °

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 43 You can use the Memory to store your most frequently used text files. The text remains in the memory, along with its formatting, even after all characters are removed from the display using the Clear function (holding down c and pressing * ). When each file is stored, it is given a number to make recalling it easier. Up to 10 text files or approximately 300 characters can be stored in the memory. (A single text file can have a max- imum of 91 characters.) Since a copy of the stored text file is recalled wh

  • 31 You can emphasize your text by underlining it. The default underline setting is OFF. When the Underline function is set to ON, the Underline indicator on the right side of the display comes on. To turn the Underline function on or off: 1 While holding down c, press 5 once, and keep c held down to display the current underline setting. 2 While still holding down c

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 44 ☞ To quit the Store function without storing the text, hold down c and press 7 (or press just * ). 2 Press a number key (or press h or e) to select the file number where you wish to store the text. 3 Press r. The text is stored under the selected file number and the text previously shown in the display reappears. ☞ If a file is already stored under the selected file number, the message “OVER- WRITE?” appears in the display and you must decide whether or not to overwrite it (delete it from the memory and store the new one). If the maximum number of characters has already been stored, the err

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 13 The return key can also be used to select an item from a list (e.g., add a symbol or accented character to the text) or to apply a selected setting. Some questions asking you to confirm a command may appear on the LCD display, especially when the function that you have chosen will delete or affect files. In these cases, pressing r is like answering “yes”. ☞ To answer “no”, press *. Refer to DELETE KEY on page 15. To add a new line: ● Press r. The return mark ( ) appears to indicate the end of the line. To select an item from a list: ● Press r. To answer “yes”: ● Press r. This function al

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 34 Cintas especiales Juego de membretes N.º de producto Descripción CANT./ PAQUETE PRECIO** TZ-S131 Industrial (adhesivo fuerte) caracteres negros sobre fondo transparente 1 $18.99 TZ-S231 Industrial (adhesivo fuerte) caracteres negros sobre fondo blanco 1 $18.99 Cintas laminadas de 3/8” (9 mm) TZ-121 Caracteres negros sobre fondo transparente 1 $14.99 TZ-221 Caracteres negros sobre fondo blanco 1 $16.99 TZ-325 Caracteres blancos sobre fondo negro 1 $18.99 TZ-421 Caracteres negros sobre fondo rojo 1 $16.99 TZ-S121 Industrial (adhesivo fuerte) caracteres negro

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, ii ESPECIFICACIONES ..........................................................................................32 ACCESORIOS....................................................................................................33 ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO........................................................................................36 INFORMACIÓN PARA CONTACTAR CON BROTHER.....................................38

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 32 With the Frame function, you can choose from various frames and highlights to design a more decorative or emphasized label. The default setting is OFF; however, the following five settings are also available. When any setting other than OFF is selected, the Frame indicator on the right side of the dis- play comes on. To change the frame setting: 1 While holding down c, press 6 once, and keep c held down to display the current frame setting. 2 While still holding down c, continue pressing 6 until the desired frame setting is displayed. ☞ The Frame indica

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 32 HARDWARE SOFTWARE INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE SOBRE LA GARANTÍA Muchas gracias por la adquisición de este producto Brother. Esperamos que disfrute utilizándolo. Le sugerimos que guarde el cartón de embalaje y todos los demás materiales. Consulte la garantía de su producto para ver detalles. Dispositivo de entrada: Teclado de 51 teclas LCD: 10 caracteres x 2 líneas 20 indicadores (incluidos Alt y Caps) Cinta de impresión: Sensible a la presión, base adhesiva, 26´3” (8 m) de longitud Cinco anchos disponibles: 1/4” (6 mm) 3/8” (9 mm) 1/2” (12 mm) 3/4” (18 mm) Alimentación: Seis pilas alcalinas

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 16 Le permite crear con rapidez y facilidad sus propios sellos. Después de haber insertado un casete de clichés, seleccione esta función para centrar automáticamente el texto y ajustar la longitud de la cinta y los márgenes a un formato perfecto para los soportes de películas de membrete entintados. Puesto que el soporte del membrete es reutilizable, haga un nuevo cli- ché de membrete y reemplácelo por el que hay en el soporte de películas. Para hacer un membrete: 1 Escriba el texto, y después inserte un casete de película de membretes de tamaño medio (3/4”

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 3 ● To avoid injuries, do not touch the cutter’s edge. ● Use only Brother TZ tapes with this machine to avoid damage. Do not use tapes that do not have the mark. Brother cannot be held responsible for trouble or damage by the use of unauthorized supplies. ● Do not pull on the tape being fed from the P-touch. This may damage the tape cassette. ● Do not use the machine in dusty places, and keep it out of both direct sunlight and rain. ● Do not expose the machine to high temperatures or high humidity. Never leave it on the dashboard or in the back of your car.

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 41 EXAMPLE To print three labels with numbers 1, 2 and 3: 1 Position the cursor below “1”. 2 Hold down c and press O. 3 Press 3. 4 Press p (or r ). ☞ If the Tape margin function is set to any setting other than NONE, a cut- ting guide (:) is printed between each label so the tape can be cut to the correct size. 1: STUDIO _ 1 UNTIL 1 NUMBER UNTIL

  • 8 Para mover el cursor varias líneas hacia abajo: ● Mantenga presionado e hasta que el cursor se mueva a la línea deseada. Para mover el cursor al final de todo el texto: ● Mantenga presionado c y presione e. La mayoría de los caracteres pueden introducirse simplemente presionando sus teclas. Sin embargo, para emplear funciones especiales o para intr

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 5 CINTA LAMINADA La varilla suministrada permite que, en las cintas laminadas, usted pueda extraer facilmente el papel del dorso de la etiqueta. 1 Tome la cinta con la mano izquierda, con la superficie impresa arriba, y tome la varilla con la mano derecha. 2 Pase la mitad de la cinta por el orificio estrecho largo de la varilla. 3 Gire tres cuartos de vuelta la varilla hacia usted y separe la varilla de usted como se muestra abajo. 4 Quite el papel del dorso de la etiqueta. CINTAS DE TELA La cinta de tela se emplea para adherir un trozo de tela impresa con el texto en la prendar de vestir empleando una plancha. Después de imprimir el texto

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 54 INDEX A AC adaptor ...............................................4 Accented characters ...............................19 Adding spaces ................................................12 tabs ....................................................14 Aligning .................................................34 Alt key ...................................................10 Automatic formatting .............................22 Automatic tape-cutting ...........................38 B Backing label ...........................................6 Backspace key .......................................15 Batteries ............................

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 6 De vez en cuando, el polvo se adhieren al cabezal de impresión y a los rodillos del el equipo. Suele suceder cuando se emplea la unidad en exteriores o en lugares con mucho polvo. Si alguna parte de la cabeza termica de impresión está cubierta de polvo, es posible que apa- rezca una franja horizontal negra por el texto de la etiqueta. Por lo tanto, al igual que con las grabadoras de cintas, la cabeza del equipo deberá limpiarse de vez en cuando. Para limpiar el cabeza de impresión y los rodillos: 1 Abra la c

  • Brother PT 1900 - P-Touch Electronic Labeling System, 11 SHIFT KEY To type in an uppercase letter or a symbol printed in the top left-hand corner of a key: ● Hold down s and press the key of the desired letter or symbol. EXAMPLE The Caps mode is similar to holding down s. It allows you to type capital letters continu- ously. To type in many capital letters: 1 Hold down c and press s. The Caps indicator on the left side of the display comes on. 2 Press the keys of the desired letters or symbols. 3 To exit Caps mode, hold down c and press s. The Caps

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